Rediscovering Puerto Galera and that Mindoro sling :-)

Summer’s almost over. I’m glad that as compared to my previous summers where I barely had time to swim, this summer is a haze of sun, water, boat rides, and… Mindoro sling!


with my panyeras, at the Puerto Galera marker

The last time that I was in Puerto Galera was more than ten years ago, fresh out of college, with my batch mates from high school. It was our first out-of-Luzon island trip together, even though Puerto Galera is merely an hour of ferry boat ride away from our province, Batangas.

This summer, I was able to visit this island twice. Once last April, on a day tour with hubby and friends from law school, and the second one, this last week of May, on an overnight stay with hubby, mom and my relatives. Both visits are equally memorable, not just because of the companionship but also because of the new things that I discovered about Puerto Galera (as my knowledge about the beach is limited and outdated).


11041443_10206236806620600_3322919248892963398_nFor starters, it was my first time to visit Tamaraw Falls, as way back in 2003 this wasn’t even considered as part of tourist destination in Puerto Galera then. This is located about thirty (30) minutes away from the White Beach. If you have a vehicle, it is easier to visit this as this is located along the road. It’s also near the Puerto Galera “Heart of Asia” marker. If you do not have a private vehicle, you can ride a tricycle to visit Tamaraw Falls, however, price can be hefty, for a fee of eight hundred pesos (PhP800.00) for a group of four. Only four people can be accommodated by the tricycle as the Tamaraw Falls is located in the mountainous part of Puerto Galera.


The last time I visited Puerto Galera, we stayed at White Beach, where numerous resorts, restaurants and bars are scattered all over the place. However, I was able to discover a private resort during our visit in April, thanks to our ninong and ninang who brought us there together with my law school buds. The name of the resort is Sandbar. And it is literally a breathtaking resort.

At Sandbar Resort

At Sandbar Resort

A private resort

A private resort

We went to Sandbar Resort on a day tour. We had breakfast at the beachfront and got to swim in the late morning. For those who opt for a quieter side of Puerto Galera, you can stay at Sandbar Resort. They serve sumptuous food and offer water activities, less the crowded beach. While we were there we also got to watch kids taking kite surf and wind surf lessons.


Lying on the beach, while a kid learns how to wind surf



My cousin with a fire dancer

The second time that we went to Puerto Galera, we stayed overnight at White Beach. This time, I wanted my companions to experience the Puerto Galera nightlife. I was the youngest in our group, with my hubby and a cousin as the next youngest, and two senior citizens (mom and aunt) with us. It was literally the first time for my companions to experience the nightlife at Puerto Galera. Since it was the last hurrah for summer (last week of May when we went there), the nightlife was in full swing. There were the fire dancers (who would gladly take picture with you for a fee), the beach party, the gay impersonators, the live band…

Dancers at the beach

Dancers at the beach

Hubby and I were able to steal alone time that night, and had a date under the stars, on a candlelit table, drinking Mindoro sling. It was my first time to try the Mindoro sling and I love it. No hangover the day after, and I love the citrus taste. 🙂

A date by the sea

A date by the sea

The next day, we enjoyed swimming at the beach together with other people who were savoring the last few days of summer. I highly recommend that you try having breakfast at Foodtrip sa Galera. You will get your money’s worth and the food serving is really generous. 🙂 I had a longanisa sampler for brunch, and I added merely 10 pesos so that I can have brewed coffee with my brekky.

Foodtrip sa Galera

Foodtrip sa Galera


It was a memorable last hurrah for summer. They say Puerto Galera is the poor man’s Boracay. However, I will never get tired of the place or consider it as jologs. For me, it is how a person appreciates the beauty of a place, the atmosphere, the energy of the people, that defines the worth of a place. If you will carry that superior attitude that a place is far more classy than another, then no other place will meet your expectations. But if you see beyond the physical aspect and bask in what the place has to offer, then you will definitely have the time of your life. We definitely did. 🙂
